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Disk / Woodruff keys

Disk / Woodruff keys

  • ma­de to DIN 6888 or SAE
  • available from stock
  • available in all ma­te­ri­als with/without heat treatment
  • cus­tom di­men­si­ons possible

Disk / Woodruff keys

Disk / Woodruff keys

  • ma­de to DIN 6888 or SAE
  • available from stock
  • available in all ma­te­ri­als with/without heat treatment
  • cus­tom di­men­si­ons possible


Tech­ni­cal drawing

Di­men­si­ons available to DIN 6888
Height h 1,40 — 16,00 mm
Length l 3,82 — 43,08 mm
Width w 1,00 — 10,00 mm

Cus­tom di­men­si­ons available 

Di­men­si­ons available to SAE
Height h 0,203 — 0,641 inch
Length l 0,500 — 1,500 inch
Width b 0,625 — 0,375 inch

Disk keys are usual­ly used, as wi­th par­al­lel keys for ta­per con­nec­tions, to fix the po­si­ti­on of shaft and hub. This form-lo­cking con­nec­tion is used to trans­mit tor­que, for ex­am­p­le, from the dri­ve shaft to the gear wheel. Disk keys are al­so re­fer­red to as Wood­ruff keys.

The disk key is load-bea­ring by vir­tue of its la­te­ral­ly tight fit. It the­r­e­fo­re acts as a dri­ver and trans­mits the tor­que of the shaft to the com­po­nent to be dri­ven (dri­ve shaft) or the tor­que of the dri­ving com­po­nent to the shaft to be dri­ven (out­put shaft). The wheel on the ge­ne­ral­ly ta­pe­red shaft is se­cu­red axi­al­ly against dis­pla­ce­ment by a lock nut.

The stan­dards for disk keys by pat­tern and di­men­si­ons are set by DIN 6888. For the to­le­rance of the slot width, a fit wi­th P9 for a tight se­at or N9 for a light se­at are usual­ly used in ac­cordance wi­th DIN 7155. The width of the disk key is the­r­e­fo­re equi­va­lent to a to­le­rance h9 (lower de­via­ti­on = 0). The height of the disk is to­le­ra­ted to h12. De­sign and cal­cu­la­ti­on gui­de­lines for ma­chi­ne key con­nec­tions are set out in DIN 6892.

    Plea­se com­ple­te the form be­low and we will help you as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. The form is al­so available as a pdf file to down­load, com­ple­te and fax to us. Down­load PDF

    Key In­for­ma­ti­on Required

    Your De­tails

    *Man­da­to­ry fields 

    Tech­ni­cal drawing

    Di­men­si­ons available to DIN 6888

    Height h
    1,40 — 16,00 mm

    Length l
    3,82 — 43,08 mm

    Width w
    1,00 — 10,00 mm

    Cus­to­mer di­men­si­ons available on agreement.

    Di­men­si­ons available to SAE

    Height h
    0,203 — 0,641 inch

    Length l
    0,500 — 1,500 inch

    Width w
    0,625 — 0,375 inch

    Disk keys are usual­ly used, as wi­th par­al­lel keys for ta­per con­nec­tions, to fix the po­si­ti­on of shaft and hub. This form-lo­cking con­nec­tion is used to trans­mit tor­que, for ex­am­p­le, from the dri­ve shaft to the gear wheel. Disk keys are al­so re­fer­red to as Wood­ruff keys.

    The disk key is load-bea­ring by vir­tue of its la­te­ral­ly tight fit. It the­r­e­fo­re acts as a dri­ver and trans­mits the tor­que of the shaft to the com­po­nent to be dri­ven (dri­ve shaft) or the tor­que of the dri­ving com­po­nent to the shaft to be dri­ven (out­put shaft). The wheel on the ge­ne­ral­ly ta­pe­red shaft is se­cu­red axi­al­ly against dis­pla­ce­ment by a lock nut.

    The stan­dards for disk keys by pat­tern and di­men­si­ons are set by DIN 6888. For the to­le­rance of the slot width, a fit wi­th P9 for a tight se­at or N9 for a light se­at are usual­ly used in ac­cordance wi­th DIN 7155. The width of the disk key is the­r­e­fo­re equi­va­lent to a to­le­rance h9 (lower de­via­ti­on = 0). The height of the disk is to­le­ra­ted to h12. De­sign and cal­cu­la­ti­on gui­de­lines for ma­chi­ne key con­nec­tions are set out in DIN 6892.

      Plea­se com­ple­te the form be­low and we will help you as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. The form is al­so available as a pdf file to down­load, com­ple­te and fax to us. Down­load PDF

      Key In­for­ma­ti­on Required

      Your De­tails

      *Man­da­to­ry fields 


      Contact form

        Contact details
        Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
        Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
        58840 Plettenberg

        Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
        Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
        58840 Plettenberg

        Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
        Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

        Contact details

        Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
        Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
        58840 Plettenberg

        Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
        Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
        58840 Plettenberg

        Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
        Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

        Contact form