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Gi­ve us a call. We will be plea­sed to ad­vi­se you.

fon: +49 (0)2391 91796–0
fax: +49 (0)2391 91796–30

General Terms and Conditions

1. De­li­veries and ser­vices
Our de­li­veries, ser­vices and of­fers are ma­de so­le­ly on the ba­sis of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons. The­se con­di­ti­ons shall al­so ap­p­ly to all fu­ture busi­ness re­la­ti­ons even if the con­di­ti­ons are not ex­press­ly agreed upon again. The­se con­di­ti­ons shall be con­side­red as ac­cept­ed by the cus­to­mer on re­ceipt of our goods or ser­vices at the la­test. Coun­ter­claims on the part of the purcha­ser, re­fer­ring to their own ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons, are her­eby rejected.

2. Of­fers — or­ders
Our of­fers in any form are wi­t­hout ob­li­ga­ti­on. Or­ders may be can­cel­led wi­th our consent.

3. Pack­a­ging
Pack­a­ging shall be char­ged at cost pri­ce and shall not be ta­ken back.

4. Pri­ces
The pri­ces con­firm­ed by us in wri­ting ap­p­ly ex works, ex­clu­ding VAT, and are ba­sed on cur­rent ma­te­ri­al pri­ces and wa­ge cos­ts. Wi­th ch­an­ges in mar­ket con­di­ti­ons, we shall be en­tit­led to char­ge at the pri­ce ap­pli­ca­ble on the day of dis­patch. For im­me­dia­te de­li­veries, the in­voice shall ser­ve as or­der confirmation.

5. De­li­very time
The de­li­very times sta­ted are non-bin­ding but shall be ad­he­red to as far as pos­si­ble. Non-ad­he­rence to the con­di­ti­ons of pay­ment, sub­se­quent­ly dis­co­ver­ed cre­dit pro­blems or un­re­asonable im­pe­di­ments to de­li­very shall en­tit­le us to a com­ple­te or par­ti­al wi­th­dra­wal of our services.

In such an event, claims for da­ma­ges against us are ex­cluded. The de­li­very time shall on­ly com­mence when the de­tails of the or­der have be­en sett­led to the mu­tu­al sa­tis­fac­tion of bo­th par­ties and on is­sue of our writ­ten or­der con­fir­ma­ti­on. Any form of force ma­jeu­re, such as fire, da­ma­ge to ma­chi­nery or any other in­ter­rup­ti­on of ope­ra­ti­ons, de­lays on the part of sup­pli­ers, in­dus­tri­al ac­tion, etc.) shall re­lease us from any agreed de­li­very date or, at our dis­cre­ti­on, from the ob­li­ga­ti­on to deliver.

6. Quan­ti­ty de­li­ver­ed and pack­a­ging
We re­ser­ve the right to make ex­cess or short de­li­veries de­pen­ding on the si­ze of the item to be de­li­ver­ed by up to 15% for lar­ger item quan­ti­ties and by up to 30 % for smal­ler item quantities.

7. Ship­ping
The items shall be ship­ped at the risk of the cus­to­mer even if de­li­ver­ed car­ria­ge paid. Whe­re no spe­ci­fic re­qui­re­ments re­gar­ding ship­ment have be­en set out in the purcha­se or­der, trans­por­ta­ti­on shall be ef­fec­ted at our best dis­cre­ti­on but wi­t­hout any ob­li­ga­ti­on on our part for the che­a­pest and qui­ckest me­thod of trans­port. We re­ject any lia­bi­li­ty for use of any spe­ci­fied ship­ping in­s­truc­tions and any cla­im for reim­bur­se­ment of any dif­fe­ren­ces in freight cos­ts. We are lia­ble on­ly for the cor­rect dis­patch by our employees.

8. No­ti­ce of de­fects
No­ti­ces of de­fects and nil no­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons shall on­ly be con­side­red wi­thin 8 days of re­ceipt of the item by the cus­to­mer. Pri­or to dis­patch to a third par­ty, the item shall be in­spec­ted but shall other­wi­se be con­side­red as de­li­ver­ed ac­cor­ding to con­tract on its dis­patch from the works. In the event of ju­s­ti­fied and ti­me­ly fi­led com­plaints re­gar­ding the qua­li­ty of the parts ma­nu­fac­tu­red by us, we re­ser­ve the right eit­her to ta­ke the items back at the pri­ce char­ged or to de­li­ver re­pla­ce­ments. No fur­ther claims on the part of the cus­to­mer shall be admitted.

9. Pay­ment
Full net pay­ment is due wi­thin 30 days. If the purcha­ser falls be­hind wi­th a pay­ment or we do not re­cei­ve a sa­tis­fac­to­ry ex­pl­ana­ti­on for the de­lay, we have the right to re­fu­se to ful­fil the or­ders or to de­mand pre­pay­ment. A dis­count is on­ly pos­si­ble if all in­voices due have be­en sett­led in full.

10. Re­ten­ti­on of title
We re­ser­ve the right to re­tain title to the items sup­pli­ed by us, ir­re­spec­ti­ve of whe­ther they have be­en ma­chi­ned or fur­ther pro­ces­sed or a com­bi­na­ti­on of the two, up to the com­ple­te ful­film­ent of all re­ceiv­a­bles that are pa­ya­ble to us for wha­te­ver reason.

The purcha­ser is aut­ho­ri­sed to sell on the item sub­ject to re­ten­ti­on of title on­ly wi­thin the or­di­na­ry cour­se of busi­ness and un­der the fol­lo­wing sti­pu­la­ti­ons:
As se­cu­ri­ty for us, the purcha­ser shall as­sign us his cla­im against his cus­to­mer ari­sing from the re­sa­le of the re­ser­ved item on­ly on con­clu­si­on of the sa­les con­tract wi­th the cus­to­mer. No spe­ci­fic de­cla­ra­ti­on of as­sign­ment to us is re­qui­red in each in­di­vi­du­al ca­se. The purcha­ser shall pur­sue re­co­very of the en­tit­le­ment ari­sing from the re­sa­le de­spi­te the as­sign­ment to us. We shall on­ly re­co­ver the en­tit­le­ments if the purcha­ser fails to ful­fil pro­per­ly his pay­ment ob­li­ga­ti­ons to us. At our re­quest, the purcha­ser shall be ob­li­ged to make the deb­tors of the as­si­gned claims and the cla­im amount known to us and to in­form the deb­tors of the as­sign­ment. Pled­ges or as­sign­ment of the items as se­cu­ri­ty are not permitted.

11. Place of per­for­mance and ju­ris­dic­tion
For all de­li­veries and pay­ment, the place of per­for­mance is Her­scheid, place of ju­ris­dic­tion Plettenberg.

12. Ad­di­tio­nal agree­ments
All agree­ments ma­de ver­bal­ly or over the te­le­pho­ne shall not be va­lid un­less con­firm­ed in wri­ting. Any con­di­ti­ons other than tho­se abo­ve shall on­ly ap­p­ly if spe­ci­fi­cal­ly ack­now­led­ged by us in writing.


Contact form

    Contact details
    Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
    58840 Plettenberg

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
    58840 Plettenberg

    Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
    Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

    Contact details

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
    58840 Plettenberg

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
    58840 Plettenberg

    Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
    Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

    Contact form